Where I come from: A surfer boy and a country bumpkin. A Naval Pilot and a business owner. A quiet guy and a talkative woman. My parents are my role models. I have lived in Virginia Beach, VA my entire life. I've been raised to appreciate the little things in life and never take anyone or anything for granted. I believe a good deed will go a long way. And, if there is ever a chance to help someone; no hesitation.
Education: University of Arkansas, Class of 2018
Major: Communications
Employment: Matrix Racquet Club
Interests: Real estate investing, event planning, being fit and eating healthy, traveling any and everywhere, and helping my friends.
Love of learning. I never want to stop learning. There are always new skills to learn and new techniques to adopt. I understand that I need to continuously learn to be successful.
Adaptability. I possess the bravery, persistence, integrity and vitality to embrace and adapt to change. While being the captain of the tennis team, I discovered that the ability to adjust to new circumstances was a crucial skill for leaders and an important competency for my emotional intelligence.
Ability to lead, prioritize and win. Balancing friends, family, school, and tennis has made me a master of prioritization. Always, lead by example.
Entrepreneurial spirit. During college, I partnered with Johan den Toom to start an online modern rustic decor business out of my garage. That’s when we knew we made great business partners. We decided not to wait for life to happen; we decided to make it happen.
Wanting to do too many things at one time.
Being a perfectionist (good and bad at times).
Fun Facts:
I've been skydiving twice.
I created my own home decor business when I was a junior in college. see My Modern Rustic.
I'm usually always the shortest adult in the room. 5 foot flat.
I typically like animals more than people, that runs in the family.
The beach is my favorite place to be.
I don't really know how to wear make- up, so I don't try unless I have to.
Sometimes, people mistake my boyfriend and I for brother and sister.
I have very strong morals about being a good person and always helping others.
Country music is always my first choice.
I slide on concrete when I play tennis.
I've been accused on numerous accounts for having little man syndrome.

I chase beaches.
These are my babies, Jack and Louie.
Sliding on concrete was my speciality.
The unknown is intriguing.